The second meeting of the I.R.T. (International Research Team) was organized in collaboration with Leader Medica and it is dedicated to those who want to improve their clinical and experimental knowledge. The meeting will deal with topics such as the management and maintenance of peri-implant tissues with special attention to the surgical and prothesis approach of the new R99 implantar system.
The course is meant for Odontologists who want to learn the methods of experimental research applied to daily clinic practices. During the course, it will be possible to take part in surgeries at the P.O.I Clinic and attend the theoretical and practical classes at the International Research Center “Fundación A.R.D.E.C. Colombia”, founded and managed by Dr. Daniele Botticelli.
The P.O.I. (International Dentistry Project) founded and managed by Prof. Mauro Ferri carries out experimental and clinic research in collaboration with Fundación A.R.D.E.C. Colombia.
At the end of the course, an Attendance Diploma will be issued by the Fundación A.R.D.E.C. Colombia.

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